
Saturday, November 30, 2013

I made it

Today is the last day of November

First, I have no idea where the month has gone, it doesn't seem like it should be here already.  

Today marks the end of NaBloPoMo, I'm happy to say that I managed to blog a day all month. There are still a couple of "post ideas" on my list - I may try and do those next month.

Today I finished assembling a drawer unit that I got for the living room/stitching area.  Some stash from the stash monster may relocate here and I am planning to use the rest of it to hold stitching supplies for daily use.  


Ann C. said...

I like your new stash cabinet. I'm looking for something like that to hold my cross stitch stuff. What brand is it? Does it come in other colours (black)? Was it from IKEA?
Congratulations on the NaBloPoMo (I missed 2 days).

Bonnie Brown said...

Oh I like that! I might have to look into further. Need something to organize my "finishing" area better. How are you liking it?

Dani - tkdchick said...

Woot! Well done!