
Sunday, December 01, 2013

December Goals

It's the first of December.

That means the weather has turned colder, there is white stuff on the ground, I look like a dork in my tuque and scarf, the sidewalks are slippery and Santa is coming....

This morning my plan for the day went haywire as soon as I went down to the laundry room.  I live in a highrise and the building's laundry is in the basement - the room opens at 7.  I went down at 7 only to find all the washers were already in use.  I had to wait 25 minutes to start laundry.  

But laundry got done and I was thinking about going out to get some errands done when I heard drip, drip, drip

The fan in my bathroom was leaking - so no shopping etc for me.  I called the building people who discovered the people the floor above me decided to run the water for an hour cleaning up as they moved out.

The drip has now stopped but has totally done in all my plans for today.

Now where this post is actually about....Goals!

November Goals -  Review

Work on Corn Mill Yes

Do Kathy’s heart I got it started but put it aside when it developed a case of the frogs and stole my stitching mojo

Do finishing Some - still have some more to do

Stitch an ornament Yes

Big goal for this month: do a blog post a day as part of NaBloPoMo. YES 

December Goals

Work on Corn Mill
Finish Kathy's heart
Do finishing
Stitch an ornament
My to do list
Prep for new projects

Get ready for Christmas


Oh yes - the drawer unit that I got for my living room stash is from Ikea- form the Alex line.  There's a few models to choose from and they go together nicely if you can find your hammer

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