
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Brush off the dust: Seasonal mandalas

Digging in the stitching bag - there's still more projects. It didn't seem so bad in there until I started digging.   

This is actually four pieces in one.  I decided to do each season on it's own, and have finish Winter.  Yup, almost two years and only one season done.  

Currently I'm "working on" Summer.  I decided to also do the colour fill in of the black outline as I go this time.  For some reason I thought it would be better.

Last seen: March
Chance of being seen in the next few months: Zip.  I decided to park these for awhile to get some progress going on some of the other projects.  I may change my mind on this once Corn mill is done.


Lynn said...

The Summer Mandela has such vibrant colours. This will be a beauty when it's completed.

Annette said...

The colors are amazing in this. I go back and forth on outline first vs filling in as I go LOL. As long as it all gets stitched, I guess it doesn't matter!