
Sunday, September 08, 2013

Light It Up

I had a comment the other day asking about my little travel light that appeared with my orts.

The light in question is a Ott-light flip travel light that I picked up at Michaels ages ago.  I like it because it's easy to travel with but it

can be a bit tricky to get at the right height/angle.  I have one of these that stays at the parents for when I am there.

Travel light

At home I have a nice full size floor light that Santa got for me a few years ago.  I know several people that have two - one for their stitching area at home and one that travels with them.

At home floor light

Neither of these is a magnifier, I usually don't need one.  However, I did pick up this one a couple of years ago.  It uses LED lights or you can use without.   When I got this I was warned to keep it covered in case it starts a fire.  So of course it's away from the sun.... one must protect the stitching!!


When looking for a light I'd say to look for a daylight bulb.  If you don't like the look of the floor lamp like I have you can get a more traditional looking one.  Canadian Tire has one.  

And finally a warning:  other people in your house will want to use your light.... cause it's just that awesome.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love Ott lights. I've tried stitching with cheaper imitation lights after mine broke, but had to go get another in the end. Nothing compares! As for other people wanting it, you better believe it lol. I also have a floor one at my parents and my mom has since claimed it lol.